House of Representatives
Congressional District 2

Scott’s Platform

Scott Cleveland: A Fresh Perspective for the 2nd Congressional District. Elect Scott Cleveland for Idaho House of Representatives Congressional Dist 2


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2nd Amendment

Scott is a powerful defender of the 2nd Amendment. It guarantees law-abiding Americans the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.Gun Control does not work and more laws only place limits on that freedom.

Federal gun control legislation like the Gun Control Act of 1968and the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1993) created nationwide requirements that make it more difficult to obtain a firearm.

These laws have been in place for decades, and by now, the evidence is crystal clear. Gun control doesn’t work.

Water and Power

Idaho has been blessed with low-cost hydroelectric power from a series of storage and diversion dams up and down the Snake River. Scott will defend Idaho water to the last drop. He will never agree to breach the four lower Snake River dams. In fact, expanding storage on existing dams and adding new dams in locations that have already been studied extensively.

Economy and Inflation

Everyone in Idaho knows we have a problem with our economy: inflation, higher interest rates, groceries cost too much, gas and other energy costs are through the roof. Congress and specifically the House has the power of the purse. We don’t have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. Reckless federal spending is choking out the middle class. And that’s why the fed raised interest rates to the highest level in decades and it is destroying middle class and low-income families in Idaho.

The solution is simple. Cut spending and cut taxes. Stop spending money we don’t have. Eliminate unneeded and unnecessary agencies in the swamp: U.S. Department of Education is one of the best examples of billions of dollars of waste every year. Other agencies that could be eliminated or cut in half: Department of Labor, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, and many more. Cuts are needed to reduce bloated or redundant bureaucratic agencies, departments, commissions, and divisions.

Border Security

Idaho and the nation are being overrun by illegal aliens. Most Idahoans believe our nation is being invaded and the effects are being felt throughout Idaho, and the 2nd Congressional District. President Trump was right. When I’m back in Congress I will support President Trump’s efforts to reclose and reclaim the border. (Click for President Trump’s plan for border security)

President Donald J. Trump created the most secure border in U.S. history. He ended catch-and-release, took down human traffickers, deported record numbers of illegal alien gang members, and built 450 miles of powerful new wall. Joe Biden turned our country into one giant sanctuary for dangerous criminal aliens when he suspended all immigration enforcement in the middle of a global pandemic and reversed landmark agreements that safely returned asylum-seekers to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The onslaught of illegal aliens invading our wide-open borders threatens public safety, drains the treasury, undermines U.S. workers, and burdens schools and hospitals. President Trump will shut down Biden’s border disaster. He will again end catch-and-release, restore Remain in Mexico, and eliminate asylum fraud. In cooperative states, President Trump will deputize the National Guard and local law enforcement to assist with rapidly removing illegal alien gang members and criminals.

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(208) 860-2341

46 Eagle River Street, Suite#100
Eagle, ID 83616